January 08, 2012

I'm gonna be a runner!

Running is something that I have never been able to do.  In school, I was lucky if I was able to walk our one mile "run" before the end of class when they had to make us stop.  I remember many times when I would be lying on the grass afterwards thinking I was going to die.  Who would want to do this willingly?  I thought that cross-country runners had to have a mental illness of some sort.  Who could possibly enjoy doing this?

Then I realized - fit people like running.

On every season of The Biggest Loser, you always see the contestants running.  Whenever I read success stories of people that have lost weight with Weight Watchers, I see how they have become athletes.  They compete in 5Ks & 10Ks and even half & whole marathons.  These people have realized something that I try to keep trying to force myself to ignore - fit bodies like to run.  I definitely want to have a fit body and today I did something about it.  I ran.  

Granted - I only ran for 5 minutes out of a 51 minute walk, but I still ran!  I felt like I was going to die and that my lungs were going to explode, but I did it.  Plus, I'm going to go out again Tuesday morning and I am going to make myself run for 6 minutes, even if it kills me!  I kept telling myself that running will never feel as horrible on my body as it did today.  That everyday that I keep getting out there and making myself do it that my body will adapt and train and get used to the workout that I want it to do.
I have walking goals for this year of being able to do a 5K & 10K but by next year I want to be able to do these as runs.  I will get there because I'm going to keep pushing myself one minute at a time.


  1. Your body likes motion...even if it doesn't know it yet.

  2. Good for you!!! I'm almost exclusively a walker, but I occasionally throw in running bursts and, while I confess that I hate them, I also must admit I always feel proud of myself after the fact. What an exciting journey you're on and what fantastic goals you've set-- I look forward to following along!

  3. Thanks for the visit Jessie. I am excited for this journey and seeing where it will lead me. This time around my thinking has changed from just wishing to be thin to wanting to be fit (and thin too!). I just keep telling myself that babysteps are the way to to!
