January 16, 2012

Vacation - All I Ever Wanted?

When I was little, my grandparents would take my mother and me to Wheeling, West Virginia every year (sometimes multiple times per year!).  They were big country music fans and had friends in the area (including friends that owned a motel, which made staying for 3 weeks at a time affordable).  Needless to say, this was a pretty boring vacation area for a young girl.  However, what made it bearable was the fact that we would eat out up to 3 times a day.  For a fat kid that loved eating, being able to go to a restaurant three times a day and order whatever I wanted was heaven.  

Fast forward to this past weekend and I find myself on vacation and having three days where I would have to be eating two times in restaurants.  This actually scared me instead of exciting me.  Normally I would just say that this was just "free time" and I would get back to counting points when it was over.  Not this time!  I managed to survive:  Chick-fil-a, The Golden Corral, Wendys (twice), Cracker Barrel, a Philadelphia 76ers game & Don Pablos. 

Wanna guess how many weekly points I still have left?  30

I planned out each meal and made sure I did not deviate from my plan. Last week at my Weight Watchers meeting we talked about the importance of planning.  It is so true and I am so glad that I was so careful these pat three days. I am so excited and instead of just hoping I maintain this week, I hope to actually loose something!  I am actually looking forward to the next few days at home so I don't have to obsess so much about what I will be eating.  
However, I do have to say that I had a great time seeing the Philadelphia 76ers kick some Milwaukee Bucks butt tonight! This was my very first time attending a basketball game so it was definitely something cool and something I look forward to again.  Here are a couple of pictures from my night!

Theron & I!

A Nice View!

There are actually players out there now!

We won!  Yea!

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